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Apr 6, 2012

Koenigsegg Agera R hits 249 mph on Gran Turismo Nurburgring

If you needed more proof as to how cool the new Koenigsegg Agera R is, here it is! During the recent Gran Turismo Events on the Nurburgring, the car was able to hit an impressive 401.6 km/h or 249 mph. According to the official statement: "when the awesome 1200 HP Koenigsegg Agera R passed the pit lane on Döttinger Höhe on Thursday everyone was amazed by the speed of the car."

And why shouldn’t they be; the Agera R used the whole 3.5 kilometer straight and hit an impressive 249 mph before braking at the bridge in Tiergarten.
The owner of the car, Bård Eker from Norway, said there were "no problems with stability under extreme speeds. The tarmac was a little bumpy while braking so It was quite exciting before the left turn."
Next to the Agera R, a total of 120 super cars attended the event, with the most popular being the Porsche GT3, the Ferrari 458, and the Lamborghini Gallardo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

insane! 401.6 km/h is 251 mph by the way